傢俱,固定裝置和設備 | 建築,設計與施工 | 智慧型酒店 | 綠色產品 | 可持續方案




Legend Interiors is the leading interior fit-out specialist. Headquartered in Hong Kong and established since 1988, our clients comprise of the world’s most renowned brands. We provide turnkey services ranging from the initial feasibility studies, cost estimation, design to management, construction and maintenance. Believing that luxury is about personalisation and experiences, our services are bespoke and tailored to each client and we work towards building long-term relationships through impeccable quality and an innate understanding of practical applications. With a growing coterie of clients, our network of specialists are in offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Macau, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh servicing the global arena and acquiring an international portfolio.

In 2023, Legend has established Legend (Dongguan) Creative Design Limited, a subsidiary with manufacturing campus located in Qiaotou Town at Dongguan City, 75mins from Shenzhen, the facility area approx. 50,000 square meters. Our production capability includes Woodwork Carpentry, Metal Work, Wood & Metal Painting, Upholstery & Stone Department to serve the need from our customers. Moreover, our inhouse includes research & engineering dept for new product development, purchasing dept to support local & overseas sourcing. Factory is devoted to retaining Legend’s philosophy, providing timing and quality products and services to our customers.