Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment | Maintenance & Services | Others | Smart Hotel | Green | Sustainable

Baguio iRecycle Limited



Baguio iRecycle Limited is a subsidiary under Baguio Green Group (stock code: 1397.HK). We offer a wide range of integrated ESG Plus solutions to our clients, including professional cleaning, integrated pest management, horticulture and landscaping, recycling and waste management, green sand bags and other tailor-made ESG action plans. In addition, to promote more corporates to implement sustainable procurement, we provide the SDG certificate verification service to the products/services align with the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs).


Our client can enjoy our one step ESG plus solution, from concept, proposal, execution with SDG certificate products or services, data collection, verification, and nomination to the ESG Award, which will definitely create business synergy and great value to both companies and your clients.


  • We have ESG award and SDG certificate for the hotel: exclusive discount offer: 20% and 15% respectively
  • For the hotel supplies, say, ESG Motors to reduce up to 30% electricity fee and Green sand bags (20% discount offer to members)
  • Other supplies: 15% discount

Event: We wil organize a Green Procurement Fair on April 19 in Kowloon Bay so the the hotel members can come to attend to meet our SDG certificate partners to green procure. Afterwards, we can nomiate the hotel to apply the ESG Award. For more details, please contact us to enroll.

Tel: 37059315